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Miles McPherson Bio

Born in Brooklyn and raised in Long Island, Miles McPherson grew up in a large family and after excelling in football throughout high school, he attended the University of New Haven where he majored in engineering. McPherson was the university’s first player to achieve All-American honors in football and be drafted into the NFL.

Miles played four years in the NFL with the San Diego Chargers from 1982-1985 and retired shortly after giving up a years-long drug addiction in one day. He then went back to school in 1991 for his Master’s degree and worked as a Youth Pastor for Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego and in 2000, he felt called by God to start the Rock Church in San Diego. Today, the Rock Church has 7 campuses, and it gives over 4 million hours of volunteer service to their county each year.

After the release of his 3 other books, Miles’ latest book “The Third Option” speaks out about the pervasive racial divisions in today’s culture. It argues that we must learn to see people not by the color of their skin but as humans with equally valuable humanity. In addition, Miles created The Third Option Similarity Training which is designed to help individuals and organizations focus their attention on similarities, rather than differences. It endeavors to help people develop honoring relationships with those of different racial and ethnic backgrounds.